Drew is a long-time missionary with FOCUS, first serving in Oklahoma and now serving at the Denver Support Center. He resides in Denver, Colorado, with his wife and children.
In 1925, Pope Pius XI published Quas primas, the encyclical that officially established Christ the King as a principal feast on the liturgical calendar. That was December 11, 1925.
Catholic trivia time: who are the only three people whose birthdays we celebrate in the Catholic liturgical calendar? Yes, everyone better say Jesus (Christmas). You probably could guess the...
With Lent arriving, it’s important to remember the three disciplines that the Church encourages this season: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
But sometimes, it can be easy to get lost in...
ADVENT IS 5 DAYS AWAY PEOPLE! Yeah, I know. Did it creep up on you too? For me at least, Advent goes like this: Thanksgiving rolls around, the first...
On one hand, some of us might just be excited we can finally eat meat again. Or eat chocolate. Or whet our appetite for attention again with Facebook, Instagram...
It’s Lent. You’ve got your fasting goals set. You’re going to give up pop, or TV, or sweets. You feel pretty good about yourself.
Then you hear your priest give...