Drew is a long-time missionary with FOCUS, first serving in Oklahoma and now serving at the Denver Support Center. He resides in Denver, Colorado, with his wife and children.
I remember getting the text on a late Friday afternoon:
What merited such an exclamation, you might ask? Let’s back-track a little...
Yes, go ahead. Ask yourself the question.
And answer, “Movie quotes” — because you know that’s the real answer.
That’s how I’d answer the question, too.
Years ago at SEEK13, Fr. Mike...
I don’t really remember how it happened.
All I know is that afterward, everything changed. I was so used to the neatness of my own life, and then wham! —...
I’m a big fan of relaxation. I’ve lived through too many years of little-to-no rest to ever want to go back to a workaholic lifestyle. But over the past...