Sam Fulbright

Sam Fulbright is a student at the University of Idaho, and he seems to have arrived there by divine providence. God gave him the opportunity to be with and evangelize to the cross country and track teams at the University. Sam seeks to build a vibrant, Christ-centered community on campus. Sam is from central Montana.

The Universal Call to Rest

There can be a huge dichotomy between studying (especially when you down to the wire because you’ve procrastinated) and living out the faith. Without work, it is impossible to have...

How to Live Your Faith Well During the Summer

What do running and prayer have in common? Neither happens in the summer. Summer is a time when many college students no longer have missionaries or other students calling...

How FOCUS Summer Projects Changed My Life

If someone were to have asked me what “living life to the full” meant at the beginning of the summer, my response would not have been sacrificing a summer...