Dr. John Grabowski

John Grabowski has taught moral theology at the Catholic University of America for 31 years. He is the author of seven books and many scholarly and popular articles. He has spoken and written extensively on the Theology of the Body of St. John Paul II. Three times he has served as a theological advisor to the USCCB in areas related to marriage and family. In 2009 he and his wife Claire were appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to the Pontifical Council for the Family. In 2015 Pope Francis appointed him to serve as one of the English-speaking experts at the Synod on Family. He and his wife have done marriage ministry for over 25 years. They are regular guests on Greg and Lisa Popcak’s More 2 Life show on EWTN radio.

The Catholic Church and Gender

The hand went up slowly with its owner casting nervous glances around the darkened Church. I was at a parish giving a talk on the Theology of the Body to...