Therese Bussen

Therese lives in glorious Denver, Colorado and grew up in the high desert area of Southern California (and knows what the Israelites felt like waiting in the desert to get to the Promised Land). She graduated from Benedictine College with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Art. When she's not hanging out with friends, Therese enjoys reading, writing, painting, drawing, designing (basically any kind of art), and dancing awkwardly on purpose. She also loves surprising people with her love of shotgun shooting and cigars. Also, a glass of wine is her favorite thing.

Advent’s Pink Week: How to Find Joy, No Matter Our Circumstances

The pink candle isn’t the only thing that stands out in Advent. It’s the whole idea behind it that stands out. We light the pink candle at the start of...

Jesus Doesn’t Always Fill Your Emptiness — and Why That’s Okay

I’ve practically grown up hearing the phrases, “Jesus fills the void” and “Be satisfied with God.” They’re not bad things to say, since they point to finding contentment in...

What Gratitude Isn’t, and 18 Ways to Actually Show It

Thanksgiving is upon us, and we always (or should try to) use this time of year to talk about what we’re grateful for. So you proceed to think of things...

20 Soul-Shaping Songs You Should Be Listening to Right Now

(Originally posted and modified from my post on Catholic Beer Club Blog.) Looking for some new tunes that are good, true and beautiful? Look no further. Most of these songs are in...

25 Patron Saints of Really Random Things

There are tons of patron saints. You name it, the Church probably has a saint for it. In honor of All Saints Day, let’s honor all the saints —...

Videos and Transcripts of Every Major Speech Pope Francis Gave in the U.S.

I was there. I got to see him in person. It was probably the most exhilarating moment of my young life. As he approached in his Popemobile, the crowd pressed...