Kaylin Koslosky

Kaylin Koslosky is finishing up her final year at Colorado State University, where she is pursuing her love for science and secondary education. She is a member of Chi Omega, a FOCUS student missionary, and a Biblestudy and retreat leader for RamCatholic. She loves hiking and being outdoors, and is passionate about sharing the beauty of Christ and this world with others. She is currently working to publish her first book with her best friend Megan Finegan as a way of spreading a much-needed message of love to her female peers.

Why We Choose Abusive Relationships and How to End the Cycle

I want to tell you a story. There’s this man who’s completely in love with this woman. He’s known her since forever, but each day he finds himself falling even...

Love Defines You, but Not in the Way You Think

It is so easy to define ourselves by the relationships we are in or are not in: In A Relationship Single It’s Complicated These statuses are the hot topic at family reunions and they often dominate...

What to Do When Your Life Becomes “Busy Work”

As college students, we are not fond of “busy work.” Why? Because we see no purpose in doing it! We don't see how it will help us achieve our...