Amar y Ser Amados: Soy hijo de Dios ¿y ahora qué?

¿Me ama?

En este video, recordamos la necesidad que tenemos de ser amados por Dios, antes de poder amar y lo difícil que puede ser el recibir ese amor. Muchas veces por miedo a ser vulnerables o por heridas del pasado, no nos permitimos el ser amados.

¿He loves me?

In this video, we remember our need to be loved by God before we are able to love. It can be difficult to receive this love. Many times out of fear of being vulnerable or due to past wounds, we don’t allow ourselves to be loved.

Priscilla Zimmerman
Priscilla Zimmerman
Priscilla has begun a new phase of mission with FOCUS. She has begun working full-time for the 153 Initiative (see John 21:11), which emphasizes Jesus' call and outreach to people from every socioeconomic status, culture, and race. Priscilla will also be the mentor for FOCUS' new campus missionaries in Monterrey, Mexico.

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