October is here!
Along with the changing season, pumpkin spice lattes, and lots of football, there is “Respect Life” month.
This is a time for us to really reflect on how blessed we are to be living and to take a little extra time to honor life… especially the lives that are the most at vulnerable in our society.
Some of the most disrespected lives today are the unborn and the elderly.
So… I have a challenge for you during this October.
Here are 10 easy ways that we can respect ALL life and possibly make an eternal difference.
- Visit your local pregnancy resource center and give a donation (either a money donation or baby supplies like diapers/wipes).
- Visit a nursing home, and say hello.
- Find the person that sits by himself/herself at lunch, and eat with him/her.
- Offer to babysit for a struggling mom for free.
- Write a spontaneous letter to your grandparents.
- Take a moment to affirm, compliment, and thank the next pregnant woman you see.
- Share some life affirming articles on your facebook every week for this month.
- Pray an extra rosary for a vulnerable life.
- Do a random act of kindness for a stranger (like paying for the coffee of the person behind you in the drive-thru).
- Treat yourself!! You are a valuable life, too!