The Big Three - Men

This Bible study is intended to call men to true leadership in Christ. FOCUS does not simply want students to know Jesus Christ; FOCUS also wants to build up college students who can make an impact for Jesus Christ in the world. This begins on the college campus by equipping men to reach their peers. In this study, we will start out by introducing what true Christian leadership is and what it takes to be a leader. Then, we will focus on FOCUS’ “Big 3” as we discuss what type of witness is needed in order to make a student stand out on today’s college campuses amidst his peers. Finally, we will look at some practical directions for how a leader acts on the college campus.


The goal of this study is to help participants see themselves as leaders on campus, seeking to imitate the leadership of Jesus Christ.


This Bible study is intended to call men to true leadership in Christ. FOCUS does not simply want students to know Jesus Christ; FOCUS also wants to build up college students who can make an impact for Jesus Christ in the world.

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