Crux Logo 2025

Do you have loved ones who’ve drifted from the faith? Join Curtis Martin and Dr. Edward Sri as they walk through Scripture, take you deeper into the truths of the Gospel message, and teach you how to draw yourself and loved ones back to Jesus Christ and His Church. With seven sessions, re-encounter the heart of the Gospel and learn to share God’s story with others. Participate on your own or bring your friends and family along for the journey!

Curtis Martin and Dr. Edward Sri invite you to encounter Jesus face-to-face through His word and hear the personal message He’s been telling you all along: You are not alone. You are beloved. You are His.

Videos released Wednesdays (Mar 5 to Apr 16) at 7PM ET / 6PM CT

Also available in podcast format.

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Meeting the Messiah 2025

January 22 – February 26

Don’t Wait Until Lent!

Curtis Martin and Dr. Edward Sri invite you to encounter Jesus face-to-face through His word and hear the personal message He’s been telling you all along: You are not alone. You are beloved. You are His. Watch Meeting the Messiah today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dates of each session?

Mar 5 – Introduction: False Gospels & Five R’s

Mar 12 – Relationship

Mar 19 – Rebellion

Mar 26 – Reconciliation I: Who is Jesus?

Apr 2 – Reconciliation II: The Cross

Apr 9 – Re-creation

Apr 16 – Response & Wrap-up

Does it cost anything to participate?

No! The Bible Study video series and podcast are free though registration is required.

Who is this for?

Anyone who is interested in understanding the heart of the Gospel message! It’s ideal for post-college graduates, families, working professionals and more!

Why is FOCUS hosting this Bible study?

Many have expressed a desire to receive some of the training in evangelization and discipleship that FOCUS has successfully employed for nearly 25 years. This is an opportunity to receive specialized formative content and proven evangelization skills to enter more deeply into mission.

Do I have to watch on Wednesdays?

No! New episodes in the series are released on Wednesdays at 7pm EST, but you may watch it on a day and time that works best for you and anyone you participate with!

How long are the episodes?

Each episode is under 30 minutes.

Where can I find the link to watch the episodes?

On March 5, the first episode will be available publicly on this page and YouTube. Links to episodes 2-7 will be emailed each week to those who register!

Is the podcast different than the videos?

The podcast is the same content as the video series, just in a different format! This is to accommodate people’s varying lifestyles and provide an easy way to re-visit content over and over again!

What is Meeting the Messiah?

Meeting the Messiah is a Bible study series that is great lead up to the Lenten Bible Study. It is a six week series led by Curtis Martin, Dr. Edward Sri and other guests that explores Biblical encounters with the person of Jesus Christ. It is a great introduction for people who are less familiar with the Catholic faith or small groups. Invite a friend or group to participate with you!

I‘ve participated in the past. Is it worth participating again?

Absolutely! Revisiting the content allows for new insights and leads to deeper transformation. We also invite you to see this as an opportunity to be a missionary disciple by inviting others to go on this journey with you! We’ve provided resources to make that easier than ever!

I want to participate with others. How can I do that?

Simply invite friends or family over to your home, parish, or any other gathering space where you can watch the week’s video! After you watch it, use our group discussion guides to facilitate a conversation that leads to deeper understanding, transformation and friendship.

Is there anything being offered after the Bible study?

Yes! For those who are interested, discipleship training groups led by veteran FOCUS missionaries will be offered. This is a great opportunity to learn how to share your faith with others and strengthen your ability to participate in Christ’s mission for you! Make it through to episode 7 of the study to learn more!