
Want to try the new Ignite bible study? Click here.

The Ignite Series contains four one chapter studies that can be used in a variety of ways. Maybe you’re just starting a Bible study and want to show your participants what Bible study is all about before you launch into a specific Bible study series or topic. Perhaps, you just ended a Bible study with two weeks left in the semester and don’t want to begin a new full-length Bible study yet. The Ignite Series can provide one session Bible studies to fill in these gaps and help Ignite your small-group Bible study. You may also lead this study by using the FOCUSEquip App. Check it out here.


Perhaps, you just ended a Bible study series with two weeks left in the semester and don’t want to begin a new full-length Bible study yet. The Ignite Series can provide one session Bible studies to fill in these gaps and help ignite your small-group Bible study.


Nicodemus fails to get beyond the flesh or the natural world to see the work of the Spirit. Because of this, Nicodemus cannot understand what Jesus is saying.


Jesus tells of a farmer who scattered seed across his land, but only the seed that fell on good soil grew to produce lasting crops. What kind of soil are we and what do our lives produce?


Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep. Hearing His voice, His listeners must choose whether or not they are going to follow after Him.


Jesus tells us of a man who built his house on rock and a man who built his house on sand. When storms came, the house built on rock stood firm, but the house built on sand was destroyed. Christ tells us that He is our Rock. With God as our firm foundation, the storms life cannot defeat us.

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  • Help you grow in your faith
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