FOCUS Lenten Bible Study

For Benefactors, Friends, Alumni, & Parishioners

Session 9 - April 19th - The Judges

Discussion Questions

  1. Which part of the Bible study stuck out to you?
  2. The Israelites explicitly and publicly declare their intentions to be faithful to the Lord. Yet already in the story, Joshua is aware that the people will not be faithful to their declared intentions. How are good intentions insufficient to be faithful to God? How can we overestimate our own fidelity to the Lord based on our good intentions, rather than our actual choices?
  3. Saul was more concerned with appearances than with obedience to God. How can this attitude creep into our own lives? How can we better acknowledge our weaknesses, rather than making it appear that we “have it all together?”
  4. Where in salvation history do you see the pattern of sin, exile, and redemption? Where do you see that pattern in your own life or in the lives of your loved ones?

What to Read for Next Week: 2 Samuel 5-7, 11-12, 1 Kings 1, 9-12

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