Jessica Navin serves as Manager of Spiritual Formation for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. She has worked for FOCUS for 10 years and resides in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
What does Christ do in your soul when you receive Holy Communion?
In this episode, Fr. James Brent explains the powerful effects of Holy Communion by walking line by line...
In this episode, Fr. James Brent joins Jessica to talk about the Sacrifice of the Mass. Jess and Fr. James discuss:
How Christ has entered into the Eternal Sanctuary...
In this episode, Fr. Matt Book joins Jessica to take a walk through the Mass and explain its different rites and prayers. Fr. Matt and Jess discuss
The introductory...
With the parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8), Jesus encourages us to be persistent in prayer. Yet, there can be times when we wonder, “Should I continue to...
The Gospel of St. John teaches us that Jesus gave us "power to become children of God." The churches teaches us that we are God's beloved children, yet sometimes...
How can I grow in my spiritual life and become a saint? Fr. John Ignatius gives us one of his top recommendations: get a spiritual director.
In this episode, Fr....